We respect and protect the rights of all stakeholders.
WeZon respects and protects the rights of all stakeholders, who are affected by our business activities, including executives and employees, customers, partners, and local communities,
and supports the protection of basic human rights laid out in the international human rights norms(hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).
A workplace with happy customers
and employeesWeZon creates an environment in which members play a leading role in their growth, provides generous support so that individuals can maximize their capabilities, and pursues mutual growth. Based on the actions and values that put people first and protect human rights, we declare the “Human Rights Management Policy” and promise to settle and expand management that support human rights.
Creating a world of co-existence
Under the vision of “Sharing to Create a World of Co-existence,” we fulfill our social responsibilities to our members through various activities and encourage a sharing culture to support the underprivileged in need. To create a better world, we practice continuous social contributions through various activities, such as welfare and scholarship support projects and employee volunteer programs.
Human rights management policy
Comply with domestic and
international human rights normsRespect and comply with international and domestic norms that pursue values related to human rights, labor, safety, environment and anti-corruption, and guarantee the three labor rights that include freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Establish human rights
management systemEstablish and execute the necessary policies for implementing human rights values and principles in the daily management employees and for building a healthy organizational culture, which includes the establishment of a human rights management system.
Create a safe, healthy
work environmentRespect our employees and strive to create a safe work environment that is free from inhumane treatment or threats, such as mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse.
Provide equal opportunities
and prohibit discriminationProvide equal opportunities in HR management, such as recruitment, promotion, compensation, and disciplinary action for all employees and applicants, protect the rights of female employees, and strive to achieve work-life balance.
Manage the supply chain responsibly
Strive to share the values and principles laid out in the Human Rights Management Charter with our affiliates and partner companies, and, should any violation occur, take necessary measures, such as suspension of business transactions.