We will achieve a healthy growth
by being faithful to the basics and principles
By practicing ethical management, WeZon pursues integrity across all corporate actions, internal relationships,
and relationships with stakeholders outside the company.
To this end, we established and operate ethics regulations that all members must abide by, and we pursue integrity and maintain trusted relationships
with stakeholders by preventing, inspecting, and resolving acts that violate the ethics regulations.
Six principles of Ethical Management
01We do not engage in any unfair trade practices or corruption while performing our duties.
02We comply with all laws related to anti-corruption, anti-corruption management system requirements, and internal regulations.
03We take the lead in creating a sound corporate culture that is faithful to principles and basics.
04Reinspect all work processes and systems to thoroughly remove inappropriate elements and unreasonable factors.
05We create an organizational culture of integrity by establishing the right values and attitudes of executives and employees by providing ethics education.
06Strive to become an organization trusted by customers by practicing corporate-wide anti-corruption management and to spread a culture of integrity